Monday, April 7, 2014


CATS dance_edited-1

We offer quality training by a small staff, each with over 20 years professional performing and teaching experience. You will not be taught by amateurs, teenagers or unqualified staff here. Students of all ages from our littlest to our adults will be trained by highly qualified dance instructors who have trained hundreds of dancers and performers and know the business well. Our staff has performed and worked together for over twenty years and produced many students who have gone on to work for professional dance companies, Broadway shows, TV and film.

Producing students who have vast knowledge and experience as well as an appreciation for all art forms is important to us. We produce students who love to dance, respect the art and perform in real professional themed productions and showcases. We are not a factory studio, we do not do typical long recitals. Instead, our shows are more like those you would pay to go see when a professional touring show comes through Phoenix, special, themed, purposeful and entertaining. When our students step up on stage or perform in studio they are confident, prepared and able to perform their best. Our students stay with us for years and grow up together in a wholesome family environment. We do not compete. We teach production, which in turn teaches each child they are significant and important to the overall, whole product. Dance is an art form. We like to support one another, teach valuable life skills as well as classical technique.

Respect for the art form, the teacher, your peers and yourself are all part of our curriculum.
We enforce a strict dress code and only use family friendly music. Costumes are always age appropriate as well as the shows we produce.

Children who are loved, respected and held accountable, grow into loving, respecting and dependable adults. Whether or not your child grows up to be a dancer, actor or artist the lessons and discipline learned in the arts is invaluable to every aspect of a successful life. Commitment to your studio and to your peers as well as working to achieve goals are important and valuable skills that we expect from each other and our students.

If you are ready to work hard and have more fun than you ever expected in our high quality professional productions, then get ready to dance!

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